On the Election trail…

SAMfilms have been busy working on an exciting new project that culminated with over 25 hours of continuous filming starting at 0630 on the 7th May – General Election day. We’ll be releasing much more information about the project shortly, but we needed to follow all the candidates standing for the parliamentary election in Blackpool South.
A big thank you to our team, which included Ellie Singleton, Jack Kelly, Paul Withers, Michael Wiltshire, and Bryan Comley who kept an eye on all things technical.
Also many thanks to the generous candidates without whose help this film would not have been possible. Thanks to Peter Anthony from the Conservatives, Peter Wood for UKIP, Bill Greene for the Liberal Democrats, Duncan Royle for The Green Party, Andy Higgins for Football First, and Rob Wood for the Labour Party (on behalf of Gordon Marsden). Hopefully all the candidates are now taking a well-earned rest, as are we.
Congratulations to Gordon Marsden who retained the seat for Labour. Commiserations to Peter Anthony and the other candidates.

Come back soon for a major announcement about our film!