Lancashire Business Expo

We’ve had a great day filming the seminars at the Lancashire Business Expo in Preston at the Guildhall. Kudos to Ian and Marie from More Network who organised the event – an amazing turnout of local companies and businesses. The main hall and the the rest of the building were packed out and plenty of visitors – lots of interesting stuff to look at too. Great speakers at the seminars and lots of good points well-made. Hard work for us but very rewarding. A film about this years LBE will be available soon so if you weren’t there you can get a taste of what you missed! The high-wire act in the main hall was certainly something to see – and not something you get at most business events.

Recording at Lancashire Business Expo

Tomorrow (Thursday) we’re off to set up at the Lancashire Business Expo at the Guildhall in Preston. Filming all day Friday, and looking forward to what should be a very interesting few days. Around 100 different businesses exhibiting there, so it should be a very good chance to meet other local businesses. Also a good chance for us to show off our multi-camera skills. Many thanks to Ian and Marie for inviting us along.

Welcome Ellie!

We are delighted to welcome Ellie Singleton to SAMfilms. Ellie is joining us for several months on a work placement, and is already proving invaluable. She has a degree in Film production from the University of Cumbria, and will be working on all our current projects. She’s already spent a windy day on location and a noisy evening in a Blackpool nightclub – but only for filming purposes!
More news soon!


The first blog post late at night from SAMfilms, a journey finally getting to this point…